No. 2 Togarashi Seasoning
For a while now, my son has been pestering me to try and find "the stuff they put on the noodles at Wagamma" by which he means a brownish-orange seasoning which is liberally sprinkled over a serving of Yaki-Soba (No. 40) or Yaki-Udon (No. 42). Browsing the shelves of Waitrose Cooks' Ingredients, as I do quite frequently, shopping in Waitrose for me being almost as pleasurable as shopping in Jigsaw or LK Bennett, I spotted a small deep purple box called "Togarashi Seasoning". Reading the ingredients list, it looked like "the stuff" my son wanted. I bought noodles and stir-fry ingredients, and cooked up a feast for his supper, sprinkled the Togarashi Seasoning on top and asked him if it really was "the stuff".

It was! Togarashi Seasoning is, according to the Waitrose website, "a blend of chilli, orange peel, black and white sesame seeds, szechuan pepper, ginger and seaweed. Sprinkle over fish or meat before cooking, or simply use to season Japanese noodle dishes". It is also known as Japanese Seven Spice Powder, and gives a hot and spicy bite to noodles, meat, fish, or indeed any food that needs perking up. I have seen tuna steak rolled in it, and I like it so much, I have taken to sprinkling it over most savoury food, and it does not taste distinctly oriental. Waitrose's version costs £1.59 for 40g and can be found in the oriental section (part of the Cooks' Ingredients range). I am sure it can be easily found in oriental supermarkets, or if you know someone who is going to Japan (as I do!), ask them to bring some back for you.
